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Wisdom Seeker

Writer's picture: Rev. Evelyn Barnes, PastorRev. Evelyn Barnes, Pastor

Proverbs 3:13-18 13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding;14 For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold. 15  She is more precious than rubies, And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.

Father God, as we draw closer to You, we see that material possessions cannot bring happiness or true satisfaction. And neither do riches, power and fame give lasting joy. Happiness found in possessions may exist for a moment, but soon flies away. The world's acclaim may make our hearts swell with pride while it's being poured out, but it becomes an unreliable measure and even questionable over time. The fundamental truth is: the world's short-lived offerings do not provide long-term fulfillment. But Godly wisdom, in the context of a true relationship with You, is of eternal value.

Merciful God, unlike riches and other worldly trappings of success; Godly wisdom is durable, sustainable and spiritually profitable. As we walk in Your wisdom, we learn to seek Your will; manage our resources; love our enemies; and forgive wrongdoers. We gain spiritual agility to walk skillfully through life; avoiding unnecessary pitfalls, negotiating deep valleys and managing our fears. Lord, Your wisdom leads us to a fulfilling life in Christ Jesus. Glory Hallelujah.

Holy God, please don’t let us get swept up in the world's trappings as we journey through the coming days. Rather, inspire us with the wisdom that ushers us into Your presence where we discover Your bountiful provisions; Your holy purpose and Your blessed peace. Oh God, You are a shield for us; our glory and the One who lifts us above life’s troubles (Psalm 3:3). We  worship You. In Jesus Name we pray and give thanks. Amen.

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