Proverbs 16:3-4 Commit your works to the Lord, And your thoughts will be established. 4 The Lord has made all for Himself, Yes, even the wicked for the day of doom.
Father God, we find satisfaction, comfort and peace in the knowledge that we can come to you in prayer anytime and in any condition. Lord, we have the privilege of belonging to You and being the objects of Your great love and divine provision. So, the things that concern us are important to You. And when it relates to Your children, there is no matter too great or small for Your divine attention. You always welcome us to Your throne of grace and mercy. And You always hear our prayers.
Gracious God, we pray that You guide our thinking, judging and planning as we journey through this day. We wish every decision and every word to be consistent with Your will and purpose for our lives. We don’t believe in random acts, non-consequential decisions or idle words. Lord, You are an intentional God who “makes everything for its purpose” (Proverbs 16:4). Every moment in our lives has purpose. And every opportunity You provide has significance and value.
Holy God, let us seek Your face at all times as we live to please You; and as we please You in the way we live. We pray for minds that regard people and things as You regard them; tongues that utter words You would have said; feet that take us places You would have us go; and hands committed to doing Your will. Please place our fleshly pursuits behind the Cross. And let us shine Your light for all to see.
Lord, thank You for always being available to us; for walking with us and hearing us when we cry. Thank You for life; and life everlasting. We pray in Jesus Name. Amen.