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My Refuge

Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.


Heavenly Father, many of us find ourselves on tumultuous seas that are filled with challenges.  Concerns about health, family relationships and so many other things seem to threaten our peace, sanctity and security. Lord, it is in times such as these that we experience the sufficiency of Your grace; greatness of Your love for us; and majesty of Your sovereign power.


When we feel weak and don’t believe we can make it, we discover You are our Omnipotent God; the all-powerful One who sustains us at all times.  In our weakness we feel Your strength taking us through impossible circumstances. Father God, when we trust You with all of our heart, we find ourselves walking in Your strength and not our own.  We begin achieving that which is beyond our wildest dreams and far greater than we even asked.  Most significantly, we are comforted by Your constant companionship and loyal love.


Gracious God thank You for the certainty that .you will never leave or forsake us.  We rejoice in the truth that  nothing can separate us from Your love in Christ Jesus.  We don’t have to be imprisoned by our ignorance; destroyed by our trials; handicapped by our inexperience;  or bound by fear of the unknown.  We have Jesus and that’s all the security we really need.  Thank You Lord.  In Jesus Name we pray. Amen

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