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Writer's pictureRev. Evelyn Barnes, Pastor

Lord, You're Enough

Hebrews 13:8 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.


Father God, today many are overwhelmed with fears and anxieties of all types. Time after time life assaults us; throwing many worrisome curve balls our way. Lord, now more than ever, we pray for peace and satisfaction that is only found in You. Please show us the way to find contentment in every circumstance. Help  us to possess grateful hearts in all things.  And please uncover our eyes to discover more about Your great love and sovereign power.


Heavenly Father, we pray for more trust in You. And more patience as You work all things together for our good and Your glory. Please open our hearts to the realization that our lives should be centered on You and not the cares of this world. Current events, our health and our relationships ebb and flow; but you, oh Lord, never change. You are the same yesterday, today and forever.  You are The One Trustworthy God who ruled through ages past and will continue to rule through time and eternity. You are the Sovereign God.


Dear Lord, please give us rest and reassurance as we gaze at Your face. Let us learn more about You each day; and May we find Your direction and comfort as we pray and meditate on Your Word. Please give us spiritual strength and conviction to accept the gifts of peace, love and hope that You graciously offer. Lord, today more than ever before, we seek the contentment that You alone can provide. Holy God, we are confident in Your great work.  In Jesus Name we pray and give thanks. Amen.

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