Psalm 23:6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of one more day. And thank You for the opportunity to lift our hearts to You during this intimate experience we call prayer. Now oh God, we petition You to fill us with Your grace, Your goodness and Your mercy. Let all who hear our voices and encounter us during this day, see and feel Your goodness as it radiates through us. And may all that is done be for Your honor and glory, and not our own.
Lord, we pray our words exalt You and serve Your divine purposes. We pray those in our company are encouraged, see the light of Your love and find strength to continue the journey. May the lost find salvation; the fearful find courage; the angry find peace; and the one who is embroiled in hate find love. We pray Your love, patience and mercy flow from our hearts to everyone we encounter.
Merciful Father, we pray for spiritual strength and resolve to refrain from promoting ourselves, exalting our significance and illuminating our accomplishments. Let us humbly minister to everyone; showing Your humility, kindness, gentleness and patience to all. We pray for spiritual strength and maturity to display Your goodness and nothing of ourselves throughout this day and all the days to come.
Lord, we lift our hearts to You. Basking in the sunshine of Your love; we pray for opportunities to generously dispense Your grace, love and mercy to others. Lord You are good all the time. May Your goodness shine through us as we journey along the way.  In Jesus Name we pray and give thanks. Amen.